MechanoCaveoLab – (CNIC, Madrid)


Mechanoadaptation and Caveolae Biology

Our team studies how cells and tissues adapt to mechanical forces, and how these mechanisms crosstalk with and determine the physical and chemical properties of the extracellular environment. These principles emerge as novel key aspects of both organismal homeostasis and disease, and we are particularly interested on their impact on tumor progression and metastasis, cardiovascular physiopathology and adipose tissue dysfunction. Our research aims to integrate knowledge across scales, from the molecular to the organismal level, and combines complementary approaches including molecular and cellular biophysics, state-of-the-art cell biology and integrative omics, and advanced mouse models of disease.

Researcher responsible: Prof. Miguel Ángel del Pozo Barriuso
Institution: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
Adress: c/ Melchor Fernandez Almagro, 3. 28029, Madrid, Spain
Email adress:
Phone number: +34 914531200, ext. 1158