Integrative cell and tissue dynamics

We aim at understanding how physical forces and molecular control modules cooperate to drive biological function. We develop new technologies to map and perturb the main physical properties that determine how cells and tissues grow, move, invade and remodel. By combining this physical information with systematic molecular perturbations and computational models we explore the principles that govern the interplay between chemical and physical cues in living tissues. We study how these principles are regulated in physiology and development, and how they are derailed in cancer and aging.

Researcher responsible: Xavier Trepat Guixer 
Institution: IBEC – Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia
Adress: CMM – Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB), Torre I, floors 8 & 9, C/ Baldiri Reixac 4-8 08028 Barcelona
Web:  https://www.ibecbarcelona.eu/integrative
Email adress: xtrepat@ub.edu
Phone number: (+34) 934 011 805